An SEO Company that delivers big results.

Skyrocket your organic visibility and drive meaningful, qualified traffic to your website with a customised SEO strategy. Choose the SEO specialists Australian businesses rely on for long-lasting traffic. Kickstart your campaign today with a free consultation with an SEO expert.

  • Work with experts, not account managers
  • 9-month strategy for organic growth

  • FREE 30-minute growth consultation

SEO Agency Australia

Partner with a team of SEO professionals that take the time to understand your business, your market, and your unique business goals.

Safari Digital SEO Agency is a progressive digital marketing agency delivering exceptional search engine optimisation results in Australia. Since 2018, we have been focussing exclusively on delivering the best SEO. We don’t do Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or any other digital marketing services. We spend 100% of our time focussing on delivering cutting-edge SEO solutions that will leave your competition scratching their heads.

The SEO landscape in Australia is overcrowded. Big agencies claiming to be ‘gurus’ and ‘experts’ are spending more time on sales than SEO. At Safari Digital, we are a little different. There’s no smooth talking salesmen or account managers here. We are staffed by SEO professionals that talk the talk and walk the walk. As a business, will never take on a client that we do not believe that we can help; it’s just that simple.

Just like Google’s search engine ranking algorithm, our approach to SEO is always changing and evolving. Our SEO techniques have been refined over the years to suit the evolving requirements effective search engine optimisation. As a dedicated team of SEO professionals, it’s our job to understand how Google understands and ranks content. We are constantly learning and evolving to ensure we are delivering SEO in Australia that drives results.

At Safari, your SEO campaign is tailored towards one thing; Return on Investment (ROI). Generating organic website traffic is one thing, cultivating leads, enquiries, and conversions is another. Each digital marketing decision that we make is about maximising your ROI. We’re not interested in getting you to the first page Google for irrelevant keywords just to fill a quota. We focus on the keywords and key phrases that are going to drive your business forward.

SEO Agency Process - 6 Steps

Who is A Good Candidate for SEO Services?

SEO Services are suitable for any businesses looking to increase the quantity and quality of leads they receive through search engines. If you have a product or service you are looking to sell, SEO professionals can develop strategies that enable you to reach your target market more efficiently.

Almost every business can benefit from working with an SEO specialist. However, a certain number of industries are likely to see extreme growth by partnering with SEO specialists. Some industries with the highest potential for organic growth include professional service providers, home repairs tradespeople, medical services, e-commerce companies, and multi-location businesses.

Safari Digital SEO professionals will work with your Australian business to understand how your target audience is using organic search. Once we know how your target market behaves, we can put together a strategy to optimise the off-site and on-site SEO factors that matter most to search engines.

If your target market uses search engines to find the products or services you sell, your business can benefit from SEO.

SEO – What the Numbers Tell Us

Search engine optimisation services in Australia are in high demand. The latest insights from the SEO tool Semrush reveals that 2,900 individuals and businesses across Australia search for SEO Agency in Google each month. On top of that, a further 2,400 search for SEO Services and another 1,600 search for SEO Company. Over the last year, the number of searches for SEO related services in Australia has increased by more than 17%.

Utilising valuable market insights and third-party data, Safari Digital was able to identify that this was an important search term that we need to rank #1 on Google for in order to connect with local companies searching for a SEO marketing in Australia. We use the same data, tools, and market insights to understand how your target market is using Google (and other search engines) to find your goods or services online. By understanding how your target market is using organic search, we are able to reverse engineer a strategy that ensures your business appears at the top of the search results for valuable, relevant search terms.

SEO Agency Australia Semrush data insights 2022

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Get Your SEO On-Track With Safari Digital

Ready to talk about your SEO for Your Business? Book your FREE consultation today!

The Safari SEO Company Difference

Safari Digital is an Australian search engine optimisation agency utilising performance data, market analytics, and years of experience to make informed decisions for your business. Our SEO services are tailored towards the unique requirements of each medium or small business that we work with. There is no cut and paste template and there is no shortcuts – we do the work that deliver substantial SEO results over a sustained period of time.

Our specialised team of SEO consultants understand the intricacies of the of getting to page one of google. We have a small, tight-knit team of SEO professionals that specialise in On-Site SEO, Off-Site SEO, Technical SEO, and Content. Our segmented approach to SEO means that our digital marketing and SEO agency specialists are able to master a single aspect of the SEO process for real lead generation.

Working with Safari Digital means partnering with a transparent, reliable, and trustworthy team of SEO professionals. Unlike other SEO companies in Australia, we won’t handball you between account managers and you’ll never feel like another number on the books. We put your business at the forefront of each decision that we make. From on-site implementation, to off-site SEO strategy, every decision that we make is designed to help your business grow.

SEO Agency Australia

Our Approach to SEO in Australia

3 Things to Look For in an SEO Provider

Looking for the Best SEO Australia has to offer? You’ll want to do your homework first! As of 2024, there are more than 1,000 digital marketing agencies in Australia. Of those, there are a very small handful that actually know how to make Google work for your business. Before you lay down your hard-earned cash, here are three essential qualities that you need to keep an eye on when choosing your SEO management partner.

1. They Walk the Walk – and Rank on Page 1

An SEO company that uses social media or paid advertising to sell their services – sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? When researching SEO companies in Australia, you’ll want to make sure that they practice what they preach and rank on page 1 of Google themselves.

Does their website appear at the top of local search results for keywords like SEO Sydney or SEO Brisbane? If not, there’s a good chance that they won’t be able to make the needle move for your business. SEO is good like that. There is no pretending and there is no faking. If a company claims to be the best SEO in Australia – they better be able to back it up with some impressive rankings.

It should go without saying, but if a company is using Facebook Ads or Google Ads to sell search engine optimisation services, then something is wrong. Selling SEO using paid social media is an oxymoron and any company that uses paid ads to sell SEO should be treated with a fair amount of wariness.

iphone with SEO analytics on the screen
macbook with google search console

2. They Provide Result Timelines and Estimates

There are no such thing as guaranteed SEO results. In fact, Google explicitly warns against SEO companies that promise to get you on page one. At the end of the day, the search engines will be the ones that determine where your website ranks and how much organic traffic you receive. An SEO Agency is responsible for curating the on-site and off-site elements that help a website to rank. As much as they may say otherwise, your SEO provider cannot promise results.

At Safari Digital, we have been doing this long enough to be able to provide a realistic timeline on when you will see results. Key metrics such as website age, domain rating, domain authority, website traffic, and backlink profiles are enough data to provide a realistic timeline of results.

3. They Have Social Proof from Happy Clients

Just like SEO results, social proof is something you can’t fake. Well, with the exception of those SEO agencies with 400+ reviews that seem to receive a timely influx of 5-star ratings from new profiles in the wake of a 1-star review. Take a look at the agencies with 300+ reviews and the timeline of reviews and you’ll quickly see what we are talking about.

At Safari Digital, we have real social proof from some of our happy clients in the form of more than 20+ five-star Google reviews. It may not be the 400+ of some of our suspiciously popular competitors, but they are from real, satisfied customers that love what we do.

Ahrefs chart with SEO Agency review from client

SEO Success Stories

Consistent, time-tested SEO strategies that deliver revenue-generating results

IT Company

IT Company SEO Case Study
  • 106 Top 3 Google Rankings
  • 4,503% Increase in Organic Clicks

  • 533% Increase in Impressions

Roofing Client

Roofing SEO Client Case Study
  • 198 #1 Google Rankings
  • 7,345% Increase In Organic Clicks

  • 498% Increase in Impressions


HAZMAT Company SEO Case Study
  • 86 #1 Google Rankings
  • 554% Increase in Organic Clicks
  • 555% Increase in Impressions

Bricks and Mortar Furniture Client

SEO Client Case Study - Furniture Company
  • 107 Page 1 Google Rankings

  • 76% Increase in Clicks

  • 122% Increase in Impressions

Physiotherapy Clinic Client

SEO client case study of a physiotherapist
  • 32 Top 3 Google Rankings

  • 248% Increase in clicks

  • 143% Increase in Impressions

Online Homewares E-Comm

E-Commerce SEO Client Case Study
  • 127 Page 1 Google Rankings

  • 669% Increase in Clicks

  • 191% Increase in Impressions

SEO Agency Frequently Asked Questions

Does SEO Really Work?

Yes, SEO really does work. In fact, it is the driving force behind many of the country’s top companies.

When done correctly, SEO is an incredibly effective way to drive qualified, high-intent traffic to your website. In fact, 84% of businesses that invest in SEO services saw a long-term improvement in their organic traffic.

SEO has the power to increase brand awareness and drive qualified, lucrative organic search traffic to your website. Search engine optimisation is about understanding what your target market is searching for when looking to purchase your goods or services online and using that intel to reverse-engineer a strategy that puts your website in front of them. Our digital marketing SEO professionals will take the time to look at your industry and your competitors to understand your SEO potential.

In short, If your target market is using Google to find the goods or services that you offer, then our team can put you on their radar.

Is SEO Worth It?

When done correctly, yes!

When you choose a top SEO Agency that is aligned with your goals and has the skills to get results, search engine optimisation SEO has the ability to transform your business completely.

SEO is not something that you do for your website once, and then it is done. You cannot “SEO your website” with a digital marketing agency and then expect to see first page results for the rest of your business lifecycle. As of 2024, Google makes 81% of its revenue from Google Ads. Do you know how they do this? By keeping the search results dynamic.

If the organic search results were easy to rank in, Google would not have a viable business model. Google makes money by constantly updating their search algorithm and keeping it dynamic. Search engine marketing is continually growing and evolving. There is a science to first page rankings, but that science is constantly evolving.

How Long Does SEO Take?

The truth is SEO is an ongoing process that requires constant updates and attention while making sure you abide by Google’s best practice guidelines. Your long term success is not contingent upon a one-time ‘optimise your website’. Whether you are looking for small business or enterprise SEO, your website ranking, conversion rate, Google rating and long term success are contingent on long term strategy.

Australian businesses are investing more in performance SEO in 2024 than ever before. Large businesses and small businesses that invest in best practice SEO  are rewarded with measurable results. We take a results driven approach that prioritises return on investment above all other metrics and would highly recommend that you choose a comprehensive SEO specialist that can deliver a high level long term strategy that can deliver results in 4 months, 6 months, as well as 2 years down the line.

Doing SEO for five or six months and then ignoring it will not yield positive long term results or visibility. If you have room in your marketing budget, SEO is an investment that you want to start as soon as possible.

SEO is a cumulative effect, the longer you are doing it, the easier it is to see results. If you want to see more leads, organic traffic and revenue in six months from now, you should start SEO today. Contact us for an SEO audit that can help you make an informed decision about your next steps.

Why is SEO So Important?

SEO is the most scalable online marketing method. Search engine optimisation services are the answer for a business looking to build large-scale exposure on a budget.

According to the latest data, more than 70% of clicks in Google go to the organic search results. While Google ads have their place in an online marketing strategy, they are not as scalable as implementing an effective SEO strategy that stands the test of time.

SEO marketing continues to be the most effective way to grow your business online. If you do not have an effective organic strategy, you miss more than 70% of possible website clicks and impressions.

SEO is not the right fit for every business. Some companies will benefit from investing more of their digital marketing budget elsewhere. But here are five good reasons why your business needs organic digital marketing services from an SEO company.

  • You do not need to pay for ad space, clicks, or impressions
  • SEO builds brand trust, credibility, and recognition
  • Effective SEO enhances the on-site user experience
  • SEO helps businesses to stay ahead of their competition
  • You can measure the ROI from SEO

Above all, SEO is the most effective way to increase brand visibility and long term organic traffic at scale.

Unlike Facebook Advertising, Social Media or Google Ads, you do not need to pay for each click and impression your site receives. SEO is working around the clock to build brand credibility, online presence and recognition with your target audience.

Is Safari Digital Amongst the Best SEO Companies in Australia?

Want to know the secret to choosing a leading SEO provider? You’re probably expecting this to say, if the name says; “Safari Digital”, then you should work with them! But that’s the lazy answer, so let’s try to take an impartial approach to the process of discerning the best SEO experts in Australia. Choosing the right search engine optimization company for your business is no easy task. Finding a digital marketing agency that you can trust with something as valuable as your web presence is a big decision.

Your website visibility can be your livelihood. When it comes to choosing a top SEO to work with your business, here are some of the things that you need to look for:

  • How did you find the company? Was it through SEO or did they advertise through another marketing channel?
  • Are they ranking on page 1 for their own keywords?
  • Do they have a team of SEO specialists or are the tasks performed overseas?
  • Are they working with any of your competitors? If so, how will they maintain your privacy and intellectual property?
  • Do they focus on on-page or off-page SEO?
  • What metrics will they use to define a successful campaign?
  • How will they select keywords for your campaign?
  • What is their approach to link building?
  • Who will be your point of contact throughout the campaign?

Can I do my own SEO?

Conceivably, yes. If you have the time to learn, try, fail, and then succeed. Then perhaps you can take on SEO by yourself.

In 2024, there is more than enough information online to implement your own search engine optimisation work. The biggest problem that you will encounter is the sheer amount of conflicting information that exists from various digital marketing sources who think they have the secret recipe to getting to the first page of Google.

One blog might tell you that meta titles do not matter for SEO, while the next might tell you that they are important. A social media manager may try to tell you that social media and SEO are related, when in fact, they are not.

Take it from us; the only way to master SEO is through trial and error. It takes years of trying and failing (don’t worry, that’s behind us now) to get good at SEO. Our SEO team have been what works and what does not first-hand.

It takes time to understand how each change and each update impacts your site.

Hiring an SEO company Australia expedites this process. Instead of wondering what will work and what will not, an SEO agency has already been through the process.

Considering Your SEO Options

Transparency is hard to find when you’re consulting with a digital marketing agency. The search engine optimisation industry is overrun with bulldogs and salespeople promising Gucci and delivering Guess.

We don’t work with everyone, and we wear that as a badge of honour. It might stop us from buying a Ferrari (sad face), but it’s the ethical choice when it comes to SEO. Around 40% of the business that enquire about our SEO agencies service are not the right fit for an SEO campaign. We’re an SEO company in Australia that regularly tell prospective clients to reassess. This could be due to a range of different reasons, including:

Here are some reasons we will not work with a prospective client:

  • The business model does Not Necessitate SEO.
  • You Have a ground-breaking product that does not have search volume
  • You need instant leads
  • You are not in the right place to invest long term
  • Your budget does not match the level of competition in your industry
  • Your target market does not use search engines to interact with your goods or services offerings

What Does an SEO Company Do?

An SEO company will work with businesses to create an organic marketing strategy that improves online visibility and website traffic in search engines such as Google and Bing. SEO companies provide a range of different services that include technical, content, on-site optimisations, and off-site optimisations. Each SEO activity is tailored towards the unique goals of a business and is engineered to help businesses to reach their goals.

A reputable SEO specialist will follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines to create online strategies that focus on the four pillars of SEO:

  1. Technical SEO
  2. On-site SEO optimisation
  3. Off-site SEO authority building
  4. Optimised Content & Content marketing

At Safari Digital SEO Agency Australia, we develop customised SEO strategies that suit the unique needs of our clients. Each company is different and every website has a different starting point and different challenges in search engines. As such, we develop customised strategies that help our clients to face market challenges head on. We don’t make empty promises about getting to the first page of Google. We do not employ cookie cutter SEO techniques and we will never cut corners. Our SEO specialists work tirelessly to create cutting edge SEO that are effective now, and will be in years to follow.

How Do I Know I’m Hiring the Right SEO Partner?

When it comes to developing and implementing a successful SEO campaign, finding the right fit for your business is essential.

Mutual respect and trust are two of the most important ingredients in a successful SEO campaign. Our visions and approach need to be aligned in order to achieve the best possible outcome. SEO requires trust and patience, which is why we prioritise open communication and transparency in our approach to SEO.

We believe that the best litmus test for the ability of an SEO company is their ability to rank their own website in Google. At Safari Digital, we practice what we preach. We don’t use paid ads or social media marketing to tell you all about how good our SEO service is. That would be kind of redundant.

We use the same cutting edge SEO strategies for our own website that we will use for yours. Unlike some of our larger competitors, we don’t have one SEO team for our own website, and another for client websites.

The Google Search Central video provides a good reference for companies to choose the right SEO for your business.

How Do I Choose the Best SEO Company?

Not to toot our own horn, but we like to think we know what we’re doing. You’re on this page because you were looking for SEO in the organic search results (Google). So, as an SEO company, we must be doing something right.

We strongly believe that we have the most diverse and knowledgeable SEO team. It’s a big claim, but we’ve completed enough high quality SEO results to genuinely believe that we are the best SEO professionals in a range of different fields.

But are you the best SEO agency for every industry? Quite honestly – probably not. But even Apple Computers isn’t the best at everything. I mean, have you tried apple music? It doesn’t hold a candle to Spotify. The truth is search engine optimisation SEO is a diverse facet of digital marketing. We deal with clients from a wide range of industries, including:

… Just to name a few!

Here’s what we can promise you when it comes to being best SEO company in Australia. We do not take on clients if we do not believe we can deliver value in search engines. We don’t do social media marketing and we don’t do Google Ads. If we agree to take you on as an SEO client, it means that we are confident that we can get you outstanding SEO results.

We purposely limit the number of clients that we deal with at any one time to maintain the high quality of our work. We also will never work with two companies in the same industry and the same area. There is an obvious conflict of interest if we were to work with two competing companies – so we will never do it. If you choose to work with Safari Digital SEO Company, you can be sure we will never work with your competitors while we are working with you.

SEO Costs Frequently Asked Questions

SEO Agency Explainer Vector Image

How much does SEO Cost in Australia? What is the average price for SEO? If you’re looking to grow your business, we understand that cost is a huge factor when considering an SEO agency. We answer the most common questions that we get relating to full service SEO and pricing. If you’re looking for a price chart, you won’t find one here. Unlike those cookie cutter SEO companies offering subway style build your own SEO package, we design customised SEO solutions that drive results.

We won’t sell you unnecessary digital marketing services and we won’t inflate prices to keep everyone on a three tier invoice system. Our SEO pricing reflects the work required to help your business to achieve long term organic SEO success.

Should I Hire an SEO Agency?

In 2024, there is more than enough information online to implement your own SEO work. The biggest problem that you will encounter is the sheer amount of conflicting information that exists.

One digital marketing blog might tell you that meta titles do not matter for SEO, while the next might tell you that they are important for search engines. Take it from us; the only way to master SEO is through trial and error. It takes years of trying and failing (don’t worry, that’s behind us now) to get good at SEO. Our SEO team have been what works and what does not first-hand.

It takes time to understand how each change and each update impacts your site in the search engines. Hiring an SEO company expedites this process.

So, can you do SEO for your own site in 2024?

Conceivably, yes. If you have the time to learn, try, fail, and then succeed. There is a good reason why SEO agencies like Safari Digital employ engineers, copywriters, and web development experts – because SEO takes time and expertise to master. If you don’t have the time, then you’re going to need help from an expert.

Should I Pay for SEO Services?

You can either pay for SEO or devote the next two to three years to mastering the on-site, off-site and technical SEO techniques that go into every SEO campaign.

For businesses owners looking to pursue an online strategy, you really have two options:

  1. Learn and master online marketing
  2. Be prepared to pay a professional to help you

Like the industry you operate in; it is not realistic to expect someone to come in and perform your job. Delivering effective search engine optimisation to our clients is a full-time job for our SEO consultants. We have a team of SEO experts with years of experience that specialise in the different facets of search engine optimisation. We have SEO specialists that focus on the following areas:

  1. On-Site Optimisation
  2. Content Creation
  3. Technical SEO Optimisation
  4. Off-site SEO

Under those different pillars of SEO, we have specialists that are dedicated to mastering a single facet. To carry out a successful SEO campaign, we need to combine all of those separate elements from different SEO experts.

How Much Does SEO Cost?

The cost of SEO in Australia can range anywhere from $1,000 per month all the way up to $30,000+ per month.

There are hundreds of different factors that determine how much SEO will cost in Australia, but here are a few of the most common factors that will influence the cost of SEO and digital marketing services in Australia:

  • Your website history and previous SEO work
  • The size of your market
  • The competition in your niche
  • Your current organic traffic to your website and rankings in search engines
  • Off-site SEO work that has been completed in the past
  • The location of your business
  • The number of pages that need to be created
  • The amount of new content creation required

… Just to name a few!

There is no magic number when it comes to investing in SEO. Some businesses may need to spend less than $1,500 per month with an SEO company to see good results. At the same time, some businesses may need to spend significantly more, as they need help in more aspects of SEO. Remember, getting a quote for SEO is not like getting a quote to fix a broken window. When you are getting a broken window repaired, there is no range of outcomes. The result will always be a fixed window.

Conversely, the outcome of SEO can vary dramatically. When you are consulting with an SEO agency, ask them what they plan to deliver each month. You are better off paying 30% more each month to receive 80% more in deliverables.

How much SEO agencies in Australia charge will depend on a wide range of factors. Your best bet is to speak with an SEO professional that can break down where you need help, and the process and costs involved for your business.

How Much Should I Pay for SEO Services?

How much you should pay for SEO is a question that countless business owners mull over each day. The most important thing to consider is your market. If you are operating in a low competition market, then SEO might not cost very much.

Conversely, if you are operating in a highly-competitive market where Google Ad costs are high, your competitors may be investing a lot more in digital marketing and SEO services. SEO is a race. The amount you need to invest in search engine optimisation depends entirely on your industry’s competition.

How much you pay for SEO services also depends on how much a conversion is worth your business. It’s about return on investment (ROI), not just outlay. If each conversion is worth $1,000 to your business, SEO may provide a great investment return. Whereas, if each transaction is only worth a few dollars, then hiring an SEO company may seem very expensive.

Off-Site SEO Approach Explained

Off-site SEO or off-page SEO strategies as it is also known refers to all of the web design and external factors that affect the online presence of your website. Google uses hundreds of different factors to determine where websites appear in the search results – off-site factors encompass many of these factors.

Search engine optimization is constantly changing. The way that SEO companies implement off-site SEO campaigns and tactics is also rapidly evolving. However, one thing that has not changed over the years is the importance of trustworthy, relevant, and authoritative off-page signals being sent to your website.

Here are some of the off-site factors that affect your online presence and visibility in search engines like Google.

off-site SEO ranking factors explained

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What are you waiting for? Book your FREE SEO consultation today!

On-Site SEO Practices Explained

As an SEO agency Australia, we focus on the on-site SEO and off-site SEO elements that will influence how your website appears in Google searches. At Safari, we place the importance of both of these at roughly 50/50. That means that half of how your website ranks in Google is dependent on content marketing and half comes down to high quality links.

But here’s the kicker – off-site SEO work will not be effective unless you’ve got all of the on-site elements in place. What that means is that if you don’t have the right content on your website (keywords); then Google is not going to show you at the top of the search engine results pages. You will not grow your business until you address both on-site and off-site SEO.

On-site SEO ranking factors explained

Get in Touch

What are you waiting for? Our team is ready to work with you to create a custom SEO strategy that will inundate your business with high-converting leads. No offshore customer service or account managers. Contact us today to speak with an SEO professional.

Get in Touch