Server error (5xx) is a common error that webmasters will be alerted about through Google Search Console.

But what is it, and how exactly can you fix 5XX errors when they occur on your website?

A server error occurs when a server is unable to complete a client’s request. When these errors come from Google Search Console, that means that a website has been unable to complete the request from one of Google’s crawl bots.

5XX means that the HTTP status code could be any number of status code errors – all beginning with the number 5. That could be a 500, 502, 503, 504 etc. error code. In this article, we’ll look at the different types of 5xx errors, how you can troubleshoot them, and what you can do to maintain a healthy 5xx free website.

What is a 5xx server error?

A 5xx error code occurs when a server does not support the functionality that is required to process a client’s request.

5xx errors refer to any HTTP status code that begins with the number 5. To understand the nature of 5XX server errors, you need to look at the type of code that is displayed. The code will specify the type of error that is occurring and what you can do to fix the issue.

What are the different types of 5xx status codes?

As we mentioned above, 5xx server error could mean one of many different errors have occurred. The different error codes include:

5XX Status Code Cheat Sheet Infographic

What is the most common 5XX error?

There is no “most common 5xx error” it depends on a number of different factors such as your programming language, application (CMS), plugins, content delivery network, and so on and so forth.

5xx errors can occur for a myriad of different reasons, so it’s important to monitor any 5xx errors that you see through programs such as Google search console.

5xx Error Email from Google Search Console

Step 1

Step 1 when checking 5xx errors in Google Search Console

Step 2

Step 2 when checking 5xx errors in Google Search Console

Step 3

Step 3 when checking 5xx errors in Google Search Console

Step 4

Step 4 when checking 5xx errors in Google Search Console

If you see the same error codes across multiple pages on different occasions, then you need to understand why the error codes are occurring and what you can do to rectify them. If you do not have the ability to troubleshoot 5xx errors, you should contact your developer, system administrator, or SEO provider to help you work through any issues.

In many cases, the 5xx error notifications displayed in third party programs are the result of an isolated incident. As an SEO Agency, we receive multiple 5xx error notifications from search console accounts each month. I

How do I fix a 5xx server error?

Fixing 5xx server errors as they occur can have a positive impact on user experience, SEO, and overall website performance. As such, it’s important to monitor 5xx server errors and fix them as soon as they appear in your Google search console.

Some steps that you can take:

• Firstly verify that page by checking it in a browser to make sure that the 5XX error appears on the front end.
• If the issue persists, clear your books and delete the cache files from your browser
• If the situation persists, you may need to upgrade your server.

In some cases, there may be underlying server or program issue that require attention, while in other cases it may be a one-off or isolate incident. If incidents are triggered by Google’s crawl bots, we always look for patterns to understand whether these are a sign of larger issues, or whether this was a crawl anomaly that can be disregarded.

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